Root Canal Treatment in Dubai

Root Canal treatment - Restore your oral health

For inflammation or tooth pain, root canal treatment in Dubai is the best choice to regain your oral health. A root canal treats an infected tooth pulp. It saves an infected or badly damaged tooth instead of removing it. A dentist removes the inflamed pulp inside the tooth and carefully cleans it. After the cleaning process, they fill and seal it. The process eliminates bacteria from the infected tooth and avoids reinfection. Long ago, root canal treatments were painful; however, with the latest dental technologies and local anesthetics, root canal treatments are a little sore or painless.

At Healway Medical Centre, we understand that root canals can impact the quality of life. Our top endodontists utilize the most advanced technologies to ensure minimally invasive root canal treatments and prevent tooth removal. Suppose your tooth is damaged due to dental operations, decay, beaks, or facial trauma. In that case, our experts offer the best oral care and help you regain your natural smile.

Root canal treatment in Dubai - What happens in the treatment?

Root canal treatment saves teeth when it’s decayed or infected. The pulp is removed from the tooth, cleaned, and sealed to regain its old structure. The tooth pulp consists of connective tissues, blood vessels, and nerves. The root canal goes through the tip of the tooth’s root to the pulp chamber.

Pulp damage occurs due to the following reasons,

If your dentist recommends a root canal procedure, don’t panic. Thousands of people undergo this treatment every year.

When do you need a root canal treatment?

In a root canal treatment, the tooth’s pulp or softer inner part is removed when it becomes infected. Even if the pulp is dead, the tooth crown remains intact. Removing the infected pulp preserves tooth structure and prevents reinfection.

Root canal treatment in Dubai - explaining the procedure

Preparation steps

The dentist or endodontist takes x-rays of the infected tooth as a preparation step. They may perform any additional test to determine the severity of the infection.

They perform an EPT or electric pulp test that sends an increasing electric current to check whether your pulp reacts to the same.

Check for any swelling in the bone or gums around your tooth.

Check if it hurts while biting on your tooth.

root canal treatment in dubai

Root Canal in Dubai - The Procedure

Root canal treatment in Dubai takes place in a dental clinic. Our dentist takes you to the dental chair when you come for the appointment. They place a bib to protect your clothes from stains.

Local anesthetic

Initially, our dentist will apply numbing medication to the gum near the infected tooth. After the medication has taken effect, a local anesthetic is injected into your gums. You might feel a burning sensation, but it will last for a very short time. You will be conscious during the process, but the anesthetic effect will keep you pain-free.

Pulp removal

In the next step, our dentist opens the tooth’s top surface. Once the tooth reaches the infected area, the doctor will carefully remove the pulp using a special tool called files. They will also carefully clean the canals or pathways to protect your tooth.

Using antibiotics

After removing the pulp, our doctors will use a topical antibiotic to prevent reinfection. After cleaning the canals, a rubber-like material (Gutta-percha) is filled into the tooth. After filling, the canals are completely sealed with an adhesive cement. Our doctors may recommend any oral antibiotics to speed up the healing.

Temporary filling

Our dentist will fill the small opening initially made on the top of the tooth. Our doctors use a soft, temporary material to prevent saliva from damaging the canals.

Dental crown

The last step in a root canal treatment is placing a dental crown. Dental crowns restore the bite and protect teeth from breaks. They are prepared based on the orders, so the final step takes almost two to three weeks to complete.

Root canal in Dubai - Recovery and aftercare

Healway Medical Center offers one of the best and most effective root canal treatment in Dubai. We initially perform an oral examination and various tests to determine the proper diagnosis. Our Dentists keep the patients relaxed throughout the procedure. The procedure is relatively painless because we have a team of expert endodontists and microsurgery specialists in Dubai.  

Get rid of tooth pain and regain your natural smile! Contact us now!

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